Kotlin VS Java

Introduction At Google IO 2017, the Search Engine giant announced Kotlin as the official language for Android development. Since then, Java vs Kotlin has become a raging debate. As of Android Studio 3.0 (released in October 2017), Kotlin is fully supported by Google for use with their Android operating system, and is directly included in…

A Beginner’s Guide To Google’s Flutter

The Most Extensive and Comprehensive Introduction to Flutter that will Help You Land on the Right Foot Introduction Cross Platform Development has gained popularity in the mobile industry not only because it saves time but also because it saves effort when building a mobile app. Since the popularity of the cross platform development, different tools…


Chatbot development with AWS Lex

A chatbot is a computer program written to interact with humans. At present, chatbots are used in various business as an alternative to websites i.e. instead of searching information through website pages, chatbot can help customer through an interactive session which can orientate them towards the information they are seeking.   Chatbot not only provide information…